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Week 2

Pause and Create

Bible Focus

I hope you enjoyed the songs and activities from last week as we talked about change and how God can give us strength to face any situation.  I know a couple of you have caterpillars that are already making their chrysalises, and the rest of you should be seeing that change soon.  It may look like nothing is going on, but God is busy working inside, helping the caterpillar’s body cells turn into body parts for butterflies.  God is good at that – making things, I mean.  This week we will talk about creation and what God did afterwards.  Let’s listen to the creation story.  It is how the Bible starts. 

God spent time creating everything, and then he rested.  The Bible tells us that we are to rest too.  Exodus 20:8-11 says Remember that the Sabbath Day belongs to me. You have six days when you can do your work, but the seventh day of each week belongs to me, your God. No one is to work on that day—not you, your children, your slaves, your animals, or the foreigners who live in your towns. In six days I made the sky, the earth, the oceans, and everything in them, but on the seventh day I rested. That’s why I made the Sabbath a special day that belongs to me. (CEV)


Here is Pastor Peggi, to tell us more about the Sabbath.








I'm Part of God's Creation
Creation Song (Frere Jacques)
I Love Him Better Every D-A-Y
Don't forget, you can go back and sing favorites from last week, too!
Just click on the Week 1 tab in the top menu.


Today for science we will be making a rainbow, but probably not how you think.  Rainbows are made in the sky when it is raining and the sun is shining.  The sunlight passes through the water drops and different colors of light are bent different amounts, making a rainbow.  The same sort of thing happens when sunlight passes through a prism or suncatcher. 


Today we are going to use a different type of science to make a rainbow.  We are going to use capillary action.  This is when water moves through very tiny little tubes.  It is how plants take water in through their roots and transport it to the leaves, and it is how paper towels absorb spills so well.  For this experiment you will need 6 glasses, red, yellow, and blue food coloring, and six select-a-size paper towels, or 3 full-size paper towels cut in half.  Watch this video for instructions, but make these changes.  I suggest putting the cups in a circle with a 6th (empty) cup between the blue and red, using 2 more paper towels so you get purple, too!  Don’t cut the folded strips in half.  If you leave them long, they will absorb both colors by the end, and you can carefully open them (don’t wring them out) and dry them flat on some newspaper to make pretty paper for a decoration or other crafting!


This week we will do some creating of our own, by decorating rocks.  You can use paint or permanent markers.  



Permanent marker and acrylic paints will stay on outdoors in the weather, but poster paints like I used will need to have a spray fixative to make them weatherproof.  Below you can see 2 rocks I painted and ran under the faucet for just a little.  I rubbed a finger lightly over the butterfly rock and the white paint came off easily. Keep your rock art indoors if you can't use fixative.  



Each week we will have a different Mission.  You can choose to do it each week, some weeks, or not at all. 


This week we are going to make a hygiene kit to donate to the United Methodist Committee on Ministry (UMCOR.)  The hygiene kits are given to people who have lost their homes to natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes and tornadoes.  These kits provide basic supplies for people to wash, brush their teeth, and comb their hair.  The kits are easy to put together and can be dropped off in the box outside the Fellowship Center.  After they have been collected the church will ship them to a distribution center where they will be given to those who need them. 

Click here for the materials list and directions for your hygiene kit.

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